Tuesday, July 1, 2008

News soon to come

I haven't yet been able to tell everyone that I wanted to tell in my immediate family so the big news will have to wait. What is this big news? Ben and I changed our minds about finding out the sex of the baby. We decided this morning, the day of the big ultrasound, that we wanted to know after all. This is mostly just a teaser post and soon you'll know what we're expecting.

But I will say that the ultrasound was really fun, and the next post will have a couple of pics, although the baby looks demonic in a one of them. You'll see when you see the pictures. We also got a DVD which I have not seen yet, and will try to post a part of on the blog. In case you're curious, if you're not, you aren't forced to look at it. Chances are, I wouldn't really want to see your baby ultrasound video either, so don't feel bad.

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