Friday, February 16, 2007

101 list update 02/16/07

I've done a few things right so far...

11. Take Emma on walk everyday. Call me the US Postal Service. Rain, sleet, snow and ice. I did it in quite possibly the worst weather month in North Carolina. I received more motivation for this when I found out that she gained 7 pounds since her last vet trip. I don't know why she got heavy, but since she's the dog and I'm the human, I guess I can share my part of the blame. This one was completed but she still goes for walks every day, provided that it's not snowing, raining or otherwise horrible outside.

68. No fast food for 6 months. This one is still in progress although since I still don't have a kitchen counter, it's getting more and more tempting. Lean Cuisine can only last you so long before you want to kill your microwave.

2. Play in a more competitive volleyball league. This one could happen in late March, it just depends on my team. Since I'm missing this season because of my lovely job, it would be nice to play again.

22. Lose 5 pounds by the time I see longer in March. I've lost the 5 pounds but I don't want to count it until April rolls around.

23. Buy a pair of Converse to support Project Red. I plan to do that later on today.

59. Get over my fear of the dark. This will take some time but I have learned to sleep alone with the light off and I can walk around the house without fear of being grabbed by the ghost of an old nice man who lives in my house. I even forgot to look under the bed before I got in the other night. It's progress.

61. Find a good Mexican or Indian restaurant in Raleigh. I may get to cross this one off tomorrow when Ben's mom comes to town. Supposedly the best Mexican restaurant in town, the owners are from Columbia???

72. Fully train Emma. This is going to take a looooong time. We're in a class but it's just started and she's still a spaz around other dogs.

80. Learn one software program per year. Currently learning Teamsite/Homesite for John Deere internship and Chameleon for SPCA. Not crossing it off since I haven't used much yet.

So far so good. I'm a work in progress.

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